Valdosta Nursing Home Neglect Attorney

Experienced Nursing Home Neglect Attorneys in Valdosta, GA

Nursing home attorneys ValdostaApproximately 1.4 million people currently live in nursing homes or assisted living facilities in the United States today. And while most uphold adequate standards of care for their residents, many prioritize profit over resident care. As our country ages, it is critical that we continue to hold these facilities accountable for how they care for our loved ones to ensure they are safe and healthy environments. If your loved one has suffered neglect or abuse in a nursing home environment, getting the assistance of an experienced Valdosta nursing home neglect attorney can help.

They can ensure that the individual or institution perpetrating this neglect or abuse is held accountable. In many instances, a victim of neglect can bring a claim against the responsible party. At The Rodd Firm, we have dedicated our careers to helping victims of nursing home abuse and other negligence.

How Common is Nursing Home Neglect?

While most of us have read about or heard about neglectful situations at nursing homes in the media, we want to believe that these are not common and that most institutions are good places. Unfortunately, the data proves that nursing home neglect is far more prevalent than we care to admit.

According to the World Health Organization

Approximately 1 out of every 6 people 60 and over are abused in institutional settings each year. Elder abuse is likely to increase, with the expected population of those aged 60 and older reaching 2 billion by 2050.

While many instances of abuse go unreported, still, 1 in 3 nursing homes have received citations for abuse in the United States. For those who have loved ones in a nursing home setting, these can be concerning statistics. If you suspect that your loved one has experienced abuse or neglect in a nursing home setting, it is critical to get the help of a nursing home neglect lawyer to hold these individuals and institutions accountable.

What is Considered Abuse or Neglect in a Nursing Home Setting?

According to the Centers for Disease Control, elder abuse “is an intentional act or failure to act that causes or creates a risk of harm to an older adult.”

It is critical for those who have loved ones in nursing home environments to be vigilant for signs of abuse or neglect. These can include

  • Signs of physical abuse — bruising, signs of restraint, black eyes, cuts, welts, fractures, wounds, sprains, dislocations, internal bleeding and injury, medical overdose, medical under-utilization, the refusal of a caregiver to allow you to visit a loved one alone, a loved one’s change in behavior, a loved one’s complaint of abuse
  • Sexual abuse — bruising at the genital area or breasts, unexplained bleeding at the genital area, unexplained STDs or infections, torn or stained undergarments, a loved one’s report of abuse
  • Psychological and emotional abuse — emotional or agitated behavior by the loved one, withdrawal or becoming non-communicative, unusual behavior such as biting, rocking, or sucking, a loved one’s reporting of mistreatment
  • General neglect — malnutrition, dehydration, bedsores, poor hygiene, untreated health issues, unsafe or unsanitary living conditions, the elderly loved one’s complaint of neglect or mistreatment
  • Financial exploitation — unexplained changes or withdrawals from bank accounts, the disappearance of valuable possessions, new names appearing on the loved one’s account, unexplained withdrawals on ATM cards, unexplained asset transfers, signature forgery, being charged for unnecessary services, the elderly loved one’s report of financial exploitation

If you have evidence of abuse or neglect, you should report it immediately to Adult Protective Services. You should also get the legal guidance of a skilled nursing home neglect lawyer.

Getting the Legal Assistance of an Experienced Valdosta Nursing Home Neglect Attorney

If you suspect that a loved one is being neglected or abused in a nursing home or assisted living setting, get the help of an experienced Valdosta nursing home neglect attorney as soon as possible. At The Rodd Firm, we understand how to hold these institutions and individuals accountable for their actions. When your loved one has experienced neglect or abuse, you may be entitled to bring a claim for damages against the nursing home or responsible party. Contact us at (229) 415-7777 to schedule a free consultation.